Thursday, January 8, 2009

Post Workout Recovery Shakes for Weight Loss

Because our HeadSTRONG Athletics kettlebell boot camp classes are so demanding and concentrate on interval and circuit training, I get alot of people telling me how hungry they are throughout the remainder of the day. It is important, if you are trying to cut body fat, to make sure you are not gorging yourself to compensate or starving yourself to burn calories. There is a happy medium by consuming food every two to three hours in order to keep your metabolism up.

I am a huge fan of the Precision Nutrition plan from Dr. John Berardi. He has laid out 10 easy to follow habits that will help anyone cut weight and maintain energy throughout the day. So I turn to his expertise when telling you about post workout meals.

Habit #4 states: "If fat loss is your goal, eat veggies and fruits with any meal; "other carbs" only 1-2 hours after exercise." In other words, if you are really dedicated to losing weight, you must earn your starchy carbs first. These include bread, pasta, rice, sugary foods, etc.

Barardi says that "when it comes to body composition change, this carbohydrate timing strategy is the single-most effective strategy I've used to kick-start fat loss in those with stubborn and hard to remove body fat stores. Further, it also has been great in minimizing fat gain in those interested in gaining muscle."

So what, specifically, should you consume in that 1-2 hours to recover from an intense workout? A have found that if it is a snack time (meaning not breakfast, lunch or dinner), that a shake is the most convenient food without alot of prep. It "should consist of a high Glycemic Index carbohydrate like dextrose and maltodextrin and a quick digesting protein like whey hydrosylate at a ratio of 2:1 or 3:1." says Gerardi. You can find many pre-made products that would meet this criteria but I would choose instead to make your own. This way, you avoid the artificial sweeteners and chemicals found in the pre-mades.

Below are a couple of recipes that are in the Gourmet Nutrition Cookbook that comes with the Precision Nutrition Kit and my favorite personal recipe. The best way to make a shake without having to clean a full blender and the cup you drink from is to use a Magic Bullet Express 17-Piece High-Speed Blender Mixing System. I received a similar product for as a gift three years ago and have almost run the life out of it.

Precision Nutrition Mixed Berry Shake
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 cup nonfat plain yogurt
1 scoop vanilla whey protein
1 Tbsp honey
1 cup ice

Combine all in a blender or Magic Bullet and blend on Medium high until smooth and creamy.

Precision Nutrition Strawberry Banana Shake
1 medium banana
1 cup strawberries
1 cup skim milk
1 scoop strawberry or vanilla whey protein
1 cup ice
Stevia to taste if additional sweetener is needed

Combine all in a blender or Magic Bullet and blend on Medium high until smooth and creamy.

Shawn's anytime Favorite Shake
(can be eaten workout or snack time)
1 Cup low fat Milk
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 cup frozen mango
1/2 Tbsp coconut oil
1 scoop of Jay Robb's vanilla whey protein
1 Tbsp ground flax seeds

Combine all in a blender or Magic Bullet and blend on Medium high until smooth and creamy.

As for recommendations for protein powder. I do not recommend consuming soy protein for reasons stated here on Dr. Mercola's website. It is best to stick with egg, milk or whey protein or some type of vegetarian source such as pea or rice protein. My favorite brand is located in most health food stores (Tidal Creek or Lovey's in Wilmington, NC) and is called Jay Robb's Whey Protein. It is made with stevia so there are no artificial sweeteners in it. (I am not an affiliate with the company).

Hope this helps clear up some of your questions! Happy shaking!

Call 910.231.5011 or email for more information on our group kettlebell classes and personal training.

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