Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Loosen up with a Foam Roller

This post has been removed because since writing it, I have seen the light.

I attended the first weekend of the Z Health R-Phase Certification this weekend (Jan 30-Feb 1st, 2009). As explained by some of the most intelligent brains on the study of movement, foam rolling, stretching and any mode of movement that causes even the slightest pain will send the body into startle reflex. This enemy to efficiency is our body's protective mechanism and guards us from immediate physical threat (1). As Dr. Eric Cobb puts it, "the nervous system often fails to differentiate normal everyday stressors (traffic, a fight with your spouse, a bad meeting with your boss, etc) in today's culture from a physical threat. As a result, many people spend their waking hours in a physically "armored" state. This causes poor posture, slumped shoulders and tense muscles." (1) In other words, when we put ourselves in startle by hitting those incredibly uncomfortable trigger points, we are doing the exact opposite of what was intended...to loosen up.

So, as I learn more, I cannot, in good conscience, leave the Foam Roller article up. Z Health has changed the way I approach flexibility, mobility and everyday aches and pains. Visit a Z Health practitioner in your area if you are interested in learning more.

1. Cobb, W. Eric, D.C., 92004-2006) Z Health Performace Solutions R-Phase Manual 3rd Edition, (p. 13), Z Health Performace Solutions.

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