Friday, February 20, 2009

Prego Workout

The following is a workout I did this morning that is a good example of what a prego (30 week) kettlebeller can still do. Slow and Steady. The snatch ladder was a throw in to make sure I can still do them.

3 Rounds of each
1A. Goblet Squats 10 reps
1B. Military Press 5/5 reps

2A. Racked Stationary Lunge 8/8 reps
2B. Alternating Bent Over Row 6/6 reps

Snatch Ladders from 10 reps with 30 seconds rest in between each set (number).
Ex. 10/10 rest, 9/9 rest.....

Call 910.231.5011 or email for more information on our group kettlebell classes and personal training.

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